RenderTextureFormat.Depth 深度



A depth render texture format.


Depth format is used to render high precision "depth" value into a render texture. Which format is actually used depends on the platform. On OpenGL it is the native "depth component" format (usually 24 or 16 bits), on Direct3D9 it is the 32 bit floating point ("R32F") format. When writing shaders that use or render into a depth texture, care must be taken to ensure that they work both on OpenGL and on Direct3D, see depth textures documentation.

Depth格式用于高精度"depth"值到一个渲染纹理。实际使用哪种格式取决于平台。在OpenGL他是本地"depth component"格式(通常是24或16位),在Direct3D9是32位浮点("R32F")格式。当写入着色器,使用或渲染到深度纹理,必须注意,确保它们是工作在OpenGL和Direct3D平台。

Note that not all graphics cards support depth textures. Use SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat to check for support.


参见:RenderTexture.format, RenderTexture 类,SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat

最后修改:2011年5月21日 Saturday 17:27

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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