ParticleEmitter.particles 粒子列表
var particles : Particle[]
Returns a copy of all particles and assigns an array of all particles to be the current particles.
Note that after modifying the particles array you must assign it back to the particleEmitter to see the change. Particles with energy of zero or less will be killed when assigning the particles. Thus when creating a complete new particle array, you need to set the energy of all particles explicitly.
// Attach this script to an existing particle system.
// 将这个脚本赋予一个存在的粒子系统。
function LateUpdate () {
// extract the particles
// 提取粒子
var particles = particleEmitter.particles;
for (var i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++) {
// Move the particles up and down on a sinus curve
// 按照正弦曲线上下移动粒子
var yPosition = Mathf.Sin (Time.time) * Time.deltaTime;
particles[i].position += Vector3 (0, yPosition, 0);
// make the particles red
// 使粒子为红色
particles[i].color =;
// modify the size on a sinus curve
// 按照正弦曲线修改粒子尺寸
particles[i].size = Mathf.Sin (Time.time) * 0.2;
// copy them back to the particle system
// 将它们复制回粒子系统
particleEmitter.particles = particles;
最后修改:2011年1月23日 Sunday 13:17