- AddExplosionForce
- AddForceAtPosition
- AddForce
- AddRelativeForce
- AddRelativeTorque
- AddTorque
- angularDrag
- angularVelocity
- centerOfMass
- ClosestPointOnBounds
- collisionDetectionMode
- detectCollisions
- drag
- freezeRotation
- GetPointVelocity
- GetRelativePointVelocity
- inertiaTensorRotation
- inertiaTensor
- interpolation
- isKinematic
- IsSleeping
- mass
- maxAngularVelocity
- MovePosition
- MoveRotation
- OnCollisionEnter
- OnCollisionExit
- OnCollisionStay
- position
- rotation
- SetDensity
- sleepAngularVelocity
- sleepVelocity
- Sleep
- solverIterationCount
- SweepTestAll
- SweepTest
- useConeFriction
- useGravity
- velocity
- WakeUp
- worldCenterOfMass
Rigidbody.angularDrag 角阻力
var angularDrag : float
The angular drag of the object.
Angular drag can be used to slow down the rotation of an object. The higher the drag the more the rotation slows down
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public void Awake() {
rigidbody.angularDrag = 10;
rigidbody.angularDrag = 10;
最后修改:2011年1月29日 Saturday 16:04