- AddExplosionForce
- AddForceAtPosition
- AddForce
- AddRelativeForce
- AddRelativeTorque
- AddTorque
- angularDrag
- angularVelocity
- centerOfMass
- ClosestPointOnBounds
- collisionDetectionMode
- detectCollisions
- drag
- freezeRotation
- GetPointVelocity
- GetRelativePointVelocity
- inertiaTensorRotation
- inertiaTensor
- interpolation
- isKinematic
- IsSleeping
- mass
- maxAngularVelocity
- MovePosition
- MoveRotation
- OnCollisionEnter
- OnCollisionExit
- OnCollisionStay
- position
- rotation
- SetDensity
- sleepAngularVelocity
- sleepVelocity
- Sleep
- solverIterationCount
- SweepTestAll
- SweepTest
- useConeFriction
- useGravity
- velocity
- WakeUp
- worldCenterOfMass
Rigidbody.rotation 旋转
var rotation : Quaternion
The rotation of the rigdibody.
This is similar to setting transform.rotation, however the rotation will only be applied to the transform at the end of the physics step. If you want to continously move a rigidbody or kinematic rigidbody use MovePosition and MoveRotation instead.
这个类似设置transform.rotation,然而rotation只在物理步结束应用到变换。 如果你想连续移动一个刚体或运动学刚体,使用MovePosition和MoveRotation代替。
function Start () {
rigidbody.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
最后修改:2011年2月9日 Wednesday 16:11