WWW 网页
Inherits from IDisposable
Simple access to web pages.
This is a small utility module for retrieving the contents of URLs.
You start a download in the background by calling WWW(url) which returns a new WWW object.
You can inspect the isDone property to see if the download has completed or yield the download object to automatically wait until it is (without blocking the rest of the game).
Use it if you want to get some data from a web server for integration with a game such as highscore lists or calling home for some reason. There is also functionality to create textures from images downloaded from the web and to stream & load new web player data files.
The WWW class can be used to send both GET and POST requests to the server. The WWW class will use GET by default and POST if you supply a postData parameter.
See Also: WWWForm for a way to build valid form data for the postData parameter.
参见: WWWForm为postData参数构建可用的表单数据。
Note: http://, https:// and file:// protocols are supported on iPhone. ftp:// protocol support is limited to anonymous downloads only. Other protocols are not supported.
注意:iPhone支持http://, https:// 和 file://协议;ftp://协议的支持仅限于匿名下载。其他协议不被支持。
Note: The security sandbox present in web-player builds prevents you from accessing content not hosted the server where the webplayer is hosted.
// Get the latest webcam shot from outside "Friday's" in Times Square
var url = "http://images.earthcam.com/ec_metros/ourcams/fridays.jpg";
function Start () {
// Start a download of the given URL
var www : WWW = new WWW (url);
// Wait for download to complete
yield www;
// 指定texture
renderer.material.mainTexture = www.texture;
Returns the contents of the fetched web page as a string (Read Only).
通过网页获取并以字符串的形式返回内容(只读)。 -
Returns the contents of the fetched web page as a byte array (Read Only).
以字节组的形式返回获取到的网络页面中的内容(只读)。 -
Returns an error message if there was an error during the download (Read Only).
返回一个错误消息,在下载期间如果产生了一个错误的话。(只读) -
Returns a Texture2D generated from the downloaded data (Read Only).
从下载的数据返回生成的一个Texture2D(只读)。 -
Returns a AudioClip generated from the downloaded data (Read Only).
从下载的数据,返回一个AudioClip。(只读) -
Returns a MovieTexture generated from the downloaded data (Read Only).
从下载的数据,返回一个MovieTexture(只读)。 -
Is the download already finished? (Read Only)
判断下载是否已经完成(只读)? -
How far has the download progressed (Read Only).
下载进度有多少(只读)? -
How far has the upload progressed (Read Only).
上传进度有多少(只读) -
Load an Ogg Vorbis file into the audio clip.
加载一个Ogg Vorbis文件到音频剪辑。 -
The URL of this WWW request (Read Only).
该WWW请求的URL(只读)。 -
Streams an AssetBundle that can contain any kind of asset from the project folder.
AssetBundle的数据流,可以包含项目文件夹中的任何类型资源。 -
Priority of AssetBundle decompression thread.
Creates a WWW request with the given URL.
Replaces the contents of an existing Texture2D with an image from the downloaded data.
利用一个从下载数据中的图像来替换现有Texture2D。 -
Loads the new web player data file.
Class Functions类函数
Encodes string into an URL-friendly format.
字符串编码成一个URL的格式。 -
Decodes string from an URL-friendly format.
从一个URL格式解码字符串。 -
Loads an assetBundle from the cache, or downloads it, in case it is not cached.