- AddObjectToAsset
- AssetPathToGUID
- ClearLabels
- CompleteLabel
- Contains
- CopyAsset
- CreateAsset
- CreateFolder
- DeleteAsset
- ExportPackage
- GenerateUniqueAssetPath
- GetAssetPath
- GetCachedIcon
- GetDependencies
- GetLabels
- GetTextMetaDataPathFromA...
- GUIDToAssetPath
- ImportAsset
- ImportPackage
- IsMainAsset
- LoadAllAssetRepresentations...
- LoadAllAssetsAtPath
- LoadAssetAtPath
- LoadMainAssetAtPath
- MoveAssetToTrash
- MoveAsset
- OpenAsset
- Refresh
- RenameAsset
- SaveAssets
- SetLabels
- StartAssetEditing
- StopAssetEditing
- ValidateMoveAsset
AssetDatabase.ImportPackage 导入包
static function ImportPackage (packagePath : string, interactive : bool) : void
Imports package at packagePath into the current project.
If interactive is true, an import package dialog will be opened, else all assets in the package will be imported into the current project.
最后修改:2011年5月31日 Tuesday 15:29