- AddObjectToAsset
- AssetPathToGUID
- ClearLabels
- CompleteLabel
- Contains
- CopyAsset
- CreateAsset
- CreateFolder
- DeleteAsset
- ExportPackage
- GenerateUniqueAssetPath
- GetAssetPath
- GetCachedIcon
- GetDependencies
- GetLabels
- GetTextMetaDataPathFromA...
- GUIDToAssetPath
- ImportAsset
- ImportPackage
- IsMainAsset
- LoadAllAssetRepresentations...
- LoadAllAssetsAtPath
- LoadAssetAtPath
- LoadMainAssetAtPath
- MoveAssetToTrash
- MoveAsset
- OpenAsset
- Refresh
- RenameAsset
- SaveAssets
- SetLabels
- StartAssetEditing
- StopAssetEditing
- ValidateMoveAsset
AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath 指定路径加载主资源
static function LoadMainAssetAtPath (assetPath : string) : Object
Returns the main asset object at assetPath.
All paths are relative to the project folder. Like: "Assets/MyTextures/hello.png"
所有的路径都是相对于工程目录文件。 例如” Assets/MyTextures/hello.png”
参见:AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath, AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath
最后修改:2011年5月31日 Tuesday 14:51