- accelerationEventCount
- accelerationEvents
- acceleration
- anyKeyDown
- anyKey
- compositionCursorPos
- compositionString
- deviceOrientation
- eatKeyPressOnTextFieldFocus
- GetAccelerationEvent
- GetAxisRaw
- GetAxis
- GetButtonDown
- GetButtonUp
- GetButton
- GetJoystickNames
- GetKeyDown
- GetKeyUp
- GetKey
- GetMouseButtonDown
- GetMouseButtonUp
- GetMouseButton
- GetPosition
- GetRotation
- GetTouch
- gyro
- imeCompositionMode
- inputString
- isGyroAvailable
- mousePosition
- multiTouchEnabled
- ResetInputAxes
- touchCount
- touches
Input.GetButton 获取按钮
static function GetButton (buttonName : string) : bool
Returns true while the virtual button identified by buttonName is held down.
Think auto fire - this will return true as long as the button is held down.
想象一下自动开火 - 如果按钮一直被按住此方法将永远返回true
Use this only when implementing action like events IE: shooting a weapon. Use Input.GetAxis for any kind of movement behaviour.
// Instantiates a projectile every 0.5 seconds,
// if the Fire1 button (default is Ctrl) is pressed.
var projectile : GameObject;
var fireRate : float = 0.5;
private var nextFire : float = 0.0;
function Update () {
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1") && Time.time > nextFire) {
nextFire = Time.time + fireRate;
var clone : GameObject =
Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
最后修改:2011年3月11日 Friday 21:15