- accelerationEventCount
- accelerationEvents
- acceleration
- anyKeyDown
- anyKey
- compositionCursorPos
- compositionString
- deviceOrientation
- eatKeyPressOnTextFieldFocus
- GetAccelerationEvent
- GetAxisRaw
- GetAxis
- GetButtonDown
- GetButtonUp
- GetButton
- GetJoystickNames
- GetKeyDown
- GetKeyUp
- GetKey
- GetMouseButtonDown
- GetMouseButtonUp
- GetMouseButton
- GetPosition
- GetRotation
- GetTouch
- gyro
- imeCompositionMode
- inputString
- isGyroAvailable
- mousePosition
- multiTouchEnabled
- ResetInputAxes
- touchCount
- touches
Input.anyKeyDown 任意键按下?
static var anyKeyDown : bool
Returns true the first frame the user hits any key or mouse button (Read Only).
You should be polling this variable from the Update function, since the state gets reset each frame. It will not return true until the user has released all keys / buttons and pressed any key / buttons again.
// Detects if any key has been pressed down.
function Update() {
Debug.Log("A key or mouse click has been detected");
最后修改:2011年3月30日 Wednesday 14:25