- addCollider
- animationCompression
- animationPositionError
- animationRotationError
- animationScaleError
- animationWrapMode
- bakeIK
- clipAnimations
- generateAnimations
- generateMaterials
- generateSecondaryUV
- globalScale
- isBakeIKSupported
- isTangentImportSupported
- isUseFileUnitsSupported
- meshCompression
- normalImportMode
- normalSmoothingAngle
- secondaryUVAngleDistortion
- secondaryUVAreaDistortion
- secondaryUVHardAngle
- secondaryUVPackMargin
- splitAnimations
- splitTangentsAcrossSeams
- swapUVChannels
- tangentImportMode
- useFileUnits
ModelImporter.useFileUnits 使用文件单位
var useFileUnits : bool
Detect file units and import as 1FileUnit=1UnityUnit, otherwise it will import as 1cm=1UnityUnit.
检测文件单位并导入,作为1FileUnit = 1UnityUnit,否则将导入作为1cm=1UnityUnit。
This setting is used only for .max files. It was introduced for backwards compatibility: there is a bug in some FBX 2011 plugins - they fail to pick up file units and export everything as 1unit=1cm. We fixed that problem by setting the units manually, but that breaks projects which were built with FBX 2011 plugins already, so useFileUnits was introduced as a solution. Set it to false if you want to default to centimeters in FBX exporter.
这个设置仅用于.max文件。据介绍为了向后兼容性:有一个bug在一些FBX 2011插件 - 它们不能拾取文件单位和导出作为1unit=1cm。我们修正了这个问题,通过手动设置单位,但已经FBX 2011插件的构建的会中断项目,所以useFileUnits作为解决方案被引入。如果你想默认为厘米在FBX导出,设置为false。