- bounceThreshold
- CapsuleCastAll
- CapsuleCast
- CheckCapsule
- CheckSphere
- GetIgnoreLayerCollision
- gravity
- IgnoreCollision
- IgnoreLayerCollision
- Linecast
- maxAngularVelocity
- minPenetrationForPenalty
- OverlapSphere
- RaycastAll
- Raycast
- sleepAngularVelocity
- sleepVelocity
- solverIterationCount
- SphereCastAll
- SphereCast
Physics.CheckCapsule 检测胶囊
static function CheckCapsule (start : Vector3, end : Vector3, radius : float, layermask : int = kDefaultRaycastLayers) : bool
Returns true if there are any colliders touching the capsule defined by the axis going from start and end and having radius in world coordinates
最后修改:2011年4月9日 Saturday 12:35