- bounceThreshold
- CapsuleCastAll
- CapsuleCast
- CheckCapsule
- CheckSphere
- GetIgnoreLayerCollision
- gravity
- IgnoreCollision
- IgnoreLayerCollision
- Linecast
- maxAngularVelocity
- minPenetrationForPenalty
- OverlapSphere
- RaycastAll
- Raycast
- sleepAngularVelocity
- sleepVelocity
- solverIterationCount
- SphereCastAll
- SphereCast
Physics.OverlapSphere 相交球
static function OverlapSphere (position : Vector3, radius : float, layerMask : int = kAllLayers) : Collider[]
Returns an array with all colliders touching or inside the sphere.
返回球型半径之内(包括半径)的所有碰撞体 collider[]。
NOTE: Currently this only checks against the bounding volumes of the colliders not against the actual colliders.
最后修改:2011年4月9日 Saturday 11:38