- bounceThreshold
- CapsuleCastAll
- CapsuleCast
- CheckCapsule
- CheckSphere
- GetIgnoreLayerCollision
- gravity
- IgnoreCollision
- IgnoreLayerCollision
- Linecast
- maxAngularVelocity
- minPenetrationForPenalty
- OverlapSphere
- RaycastAll
- Raycast
- sleepAngularVelocity
- sleepVelocity
- solverIterationCount
- SphereCastAll
- SphereCast
Physics.solverIterationCount 求解迭代次数
static var solverIterationCount : int
The default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies (default 7). Must be positive.
The solverIterationCount determines how accurately joints and contacts are resolved. If you are having trouble with connected bodies oscillating and behaving erratically setting a higher solver iteration count may improve their stability (but is slower). Usually a value of 7 works very well for almost all situations.
This value is usually changed in Edit->Project Settings->Physics inspector instead of from scripts.
这个值常在Edit->Project Settings->Physics 菜单下设定,而不用在脚本中。
Physics.solverIterationCount = 10;