- bounceThreshold
- CapsuleCastAll
- CapsuleCast
- CheckCapsule
- CheckSphere
- GetIgnoreLayerCollision
- gravity
- IgnoreCollision
- IgnoreLayerCollision
- Linecast
- maxAngularVelocity
- minPenetrationForPenalty
- OverlapSphere
- RaycastAll
- Raycast
- sleepAngularVelocity
- sleepVelocity
- solverIterationCount
- SphereCastAll
- SphereCast
Physics.Linecast 线性投射
static function Linecast (start : Vector3, end : Vector3, layerMask : int = kDefaultRaycastLayers) : bool
Returns true if there is any collider intersecting the line between start and end.
var target : Transform;
function Update () {
if (!Physics.Linecast (transform.position, target.position)) {
Layer mask is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a ray.
可以根据Layer mask层的不同来忽略碰撞体。
• static function Linecast (start : Vector3, end : Vector3, out hitInfo : RaycastHit, layerMask : int = kDefaultRaycastLayers) : bool
Returns true if there is any collider intersecting the line between start and end.
If true is returned, hitInfo will contain more information about where the collider was hit (See Also: RaycastHit). Layer mask is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a ray.
如果交互到碰撞体,光线投射返回一个RaycastHit结构体信息。可以根据Layer mask层的不同来忽略碰撞体。