AnimationState.weight 权重

var weight : float


The weight of animation


This calculates the blend weights for one curve.


Weights are distributed so that the top layer gets everything. If it doesn't use the full weight then the next layer gets to distribute the remaining weights and so on. Once all weights are used by the top layers, no weights will be available for lower layers anymore Unity uses fair weighting, which means if a lower layer wants 80% and 50% have already been used up, the layer will NOT use up all weights. instead it will take up 80% of the 50%.


Example: a upper body which is affected by wave, walk and idle a lower body which is affected by only walk and idle weight name layer lower upper

20%     wave      2        0%         20%
50%     walk       1      50%         40%
100%    idle       0      50%         40%

例如: 上体受wave,walk和idle影响,下体受walk和idle影响.

20%     wave      2        0%         20%
50%     walk       1      50%         40%
100%    idle       0      50%         40%

Blend weights can change per animated value because of mixing. Even without mixing, sometimes a curve is just not defined. Still you want the blend weights to add up to 1. Most of the time weights are similar between curves.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	public void Awake() {
		animation["Walk"].enabled = true;
		animation["Walk"].weight = 1.0F;
// Enable the walk cycle
// 启用行走动作循环
animation["Walk"].enabled = true;
animation["Walk"].weight = 1.0;
最后修改:2011年1月6日 Thursday 23:34

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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