GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint 转换点从GUI到屏幕坐标
static function GUIToScreenPoint (guiPoint : Vector2) : Vector2
Convert a point from GUI position to screen space.
Note: In Unity the screen space y coordinate varies from zero at the top edge of the window to a maximum at the bottom edge of the window. This is different from what you might expect.
// Check the difference between the mouse position (Screen) and
// the converted GUI positions because of the group.
function OnGUI () {
var screenPos : Vector2 = Event.current.mousePosition;
GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (10,10,100,100));
var convertedGUIPos : Vector2 = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(screenPos);
GUI.EndGroup ();
Debug.Log("Screen: " + screenPos + " GUI: " + convertedGUIPos);
最后修改:2011年1月5日 Wednesday 0:09