Graphics.Blit 位块传送
static function Blit (source : Texture, dest : RenderTexture) : void
static function Blit (source : Texture, dest : RenderTexture, mat : Material, pass : int = -1) : void
Copies source texture into destination render texture.
This is mostly used for implementing image effects.
Blit sets dest to be active render texture, sets source as _MainTex property on the material, and draws a full-screen quad.
// Copies aTexture to rTex and displays it in all cameras.
var aTexture : Texture;
var rTex : RenderTexture;
function Start() {
if(!aTexture || !rTex)
Debug.LogError("A texture or a render texture are missing, assign them.");
function Update () {
Graphics.Blit (aTexture, rTex);
最后修改:2011年2月27日 Sunday 19:36