Graphics.DrawTexture 绘制纹理

static function DrawTexture (screenRect : Rect, texture : Texture, mat : Material = null) : void
static function DrawTexture (screenRect : Rect, texture : Texture, leftBorder : int, rightBorder : int, topBorder : int, bottomBorder : int, mat : Material = null) : void
static function DrawTexture (screenRect : Rect, texture : Texture, sourceRect : Rect, leftBorder : int, rightBorder : int, topBorder : int, bottomBorder : int, mat : Material = null) : void
static function DrawTexture (screenRect : Rect, texture : Texture, sourceRect : Rect, leftBorder : int, rightBorder : int, topBorder : int, bottomBorder : int, color : Color, mat : Material = null) : void


Draw a texture in screen coordinates.


If you want to draw a texture from inside of OnGUI code, you should only do that from EventType.Repaint events. It's probably better to use GUI.DrawTexture for GUI code.


最后修改:2011年2月27日 Sunday 17:42

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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