- backgroundColor
- BeginGroup
- BeginScrollView
- Box
- BringWindowToBack
- BringWindowToFront
- Button
- changed
- color
- contentColor
- depth
- DragWindow
- DrawTexture
- enabled
- EndGroup
- EndScrollView
- FocusControl
- FocusWindow
- GetNameOfFocusedControl
- HorizontalScrollbar
- HorizontalSlider
- Label
- matrix
- PasswordField
- RepeatButton
- ScrollTo
- SelectionGrid
- SetNextControlName
- skin
- TextArea
- TextField
- Toggle
- Toolbar
- tooltip
- UnfocusWindow
- VerticalScrollbar
- VerticalSlider
- Window
GUI.DrawTexture 绘制纹理
static function DrawTexture (position : Rect, image : Texture, scaleMode : ScaleMode = ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend : bool = true, imageAspect : float = 0) : void
positionRectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.
在屏幕上绘制一个内部包含纹理的矩形。 -
imageTexture to display.
显示纹理 -
scaleModeHow to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.
图片的缩放模式,当矩形的长宽比不匹配图片的长宽比时如何缩放图像。 -
alphaBlendWhether to alpha blend the image on to the display (the default). If false, the picture is drawn on to the display.
图片的混合模式,是否通道混合图片显示,默认为混合通道,如果不,图片直接被绘制显示。 -
imageAspectAspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.
Draw a texture within a rectangle.
另见: GUI.color, GUI.contentColor
var aTexture : Texture;
function OnGUI() {
GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(10,10,60,60), aTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 10.0f);
最后修改:2011年1月14日 Friday 20:53