GUI.Window 窗口

static function Window (id : int, clientRect : Rect, func : WindowFunction, text : String) : Rect
static function Window (id : int, clientRect : Rect, func : WindowFunction, image : Texture) : Rect
static function Window (id : int, clientRect : Rect, func : WindowFunction, content : GUIContent) : Rect
static function Window (id : int, clientRect : Rect, func : WindowFunction, text : String, style : GUIStyle) : Rect
static function Window (id : int, clientRect : Rect, func : WindowFunction, image : Texture, style : GUIStyle) : Rect
static function Window (id : int, clientRect : Rect, func : WindowFunction, title : GUIContent, style : GUIStyle) : Rect



Rect - the rectangle the window is at.

返回 Rect类型,窗口所在的矩形。


Make a popup window.


Windows float above normal GUI controls, feature click-to-focus and can optionally be dragged around by the end user. Unlike other controls, you need to pass them a separate function for the GUI controls to put inside the window. Note: If you are using GUILayout to place your components inside the window, you should use GUILayout.Window. Here is a small example to get you started:


var windowRect : Rect = Rect(20, 20, 120, 50);

function OnGUI () {
	// Register the window. Notice the 3rd parameter
	windowRect = GUI.Window(0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, "My Window");

// Make the contents of the window
function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) {
	if (GUI.Button(Rect (10,20,100,20), "Hello World"))
		print ("Got a click");

You can use the same function to create multiple windows. Just make sure that each window has its own ID. Example:



var windowRect0 : Rect = Rect(20, 20, 120, 50);
var windowRect1 : Rect = Rect(20, 100, 120, 50);

function OnGUI () {
	// Register the window. We create two windows that use the same function
	// Notice that their IDs differ
	windowRect0 = GUI.Window(0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, "My Window");
	windowRect1 = GUI.Window(1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, "My Window");

// Make the contents of the window
function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) {
if (GUI.Button(Rect (10,20,100,20), "Hello World"))
	print ("Got a click in window " + windowID);
	// Make the windows be draggable.
	GUI.DragWindow(Rect (0,0,10000,10000));

To stop showing a window, simply stop calling GUI.Window from inside your main DoGUI function:


// boolean variable to decide whether to show the window or not.
// Change this from the in-game GUI, scripting, the inspector or anywhere else to
// decide whether the window is visible
var doWindow0 : boolean = true;

// Make the contents of the window.
function DoWindow0 (windowID : int) {
	GUI.Button(Rect (10,30, 80,20), "Click Me!");

function OnGUI () {
	// Make a toggle button for hiding and showing the window
	doWindow0 = GUI.Toggle(Rect (10,10,100,20), doWindow0, "Window 0");

	// Make sure we only call GUI.Window if doWindow0 is true.
	if (doWindow0)
		GUI.Window(0, Rect(110,10,200,60), DoWindow0, "Basic Window");

To make a window that gets its size from automatic GUI layouting, use GUILayout.Window.


Call Ordering 调用排序

Windows need to be drawn back-to-front; windows on top of other windows need to be drawn later than the ones below them. This means that you can not count on your DoWindow functions to be called in any particular order. In order for this to work seamlessly, the following values are stored when you create your window (using the Window function), and retrieved when your DoWindow gets called:, GUI.enabled, GUI.color, GUI.backgroundColor, GUI.contentColor, GUI.matrix

窗口需要从后向前绘制。在其他窗口上面的窗口需要比他们下面的窗口晚绘制。你不能指望在你的Dowindow函数中调用任意特定排序。为了使整个工作无缝,当你创建窗口时下面的值被储存(使用窗口函数),并且当你的DoWindow被, GUI.enabled, GUI.color, GUI.backgroundColor, GUI.contentColor, GUI.matrix调用时,重新取回。

This means it's easy to do colored windows like this:


var windowRect0 : Rect = Rect(20, 20, 120, 50);
var windowRect1 : Rect = Rect(20, 100, 120, 50);

function OnGUI () {
	GUI.color =;
	windowRect0 = GUI.Window(0, windowRect0, DoMyWindow, "Red Window");

	GUI.color =;
	windowRect1 = GUI.Window(1, windowRect1, DoMyWindow, "Green Window");

function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) {
	if (GUI.Button(Rect (10,20,100,20), "Hello World"))
		print ("Got a click in window with color " + GUI.color);
	GUI.DragWindow(Rect (0,0,10000,10000));

Hint: you can use the alpha component of GUI.color to fade windows in and out.


另见: DragWindow, BringWindowToFront, BringWindowToBack

最后修改:2011年1月14日 Friday 22:26

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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