GUI.tooltip 工具提示

static var tooltip : string


The tooltip of the control the mouse is currently over, or which has keyboard focus. (Read Only).


When you create GUI controls, you can pass in a tooltip for them. This is done by changing the content parameter to take a custom-made GUIContent object, rather than just passing in a string to display.


When the mouse is over a control with a tooltip, it sets the global GUI.tooltip value to the tooltip you pass in. If the mouse is not howering over any control, the value is set to the control which has keyboard focus. At the end of the OnGUI code, you can make a label showing the value of GUI.tooltip


GUI.tooltip 工具提示

GUI Tooltip on th Game view appears when the mouse is over the button.

function OnGUI () {
	// Make a button using a custom GUIContent parameter to pass in the tooltip.
	GUI.Button(Rect(10,10,100,20), GUIContent ("Click me", "This is the tooltip"));

	// Display the tooltip from the element that has mouseover or keyboard focus
	GUI.Label(Rect(10,40,100,40), GUI.tooltip);

You can use the ordering of elements to create 'hierarchical' tooltips:


function OnGUI () {
	GUI.Box(Rect(5, 35, 110, 75), GUIContent ("Box", "这是Box的提示信息"));

	GUI.Button(Rect(10, 55, 100, 20), "这个没有提示");

	GUI.Button(Rect(10, 80, 100, 20),GUIContent ("我有提示", "我的提示会覆盖下面Box的提示"));
	// 在旁边的位置显示提示信息。
	GUI.Label(Rect(130,40,100,40), GUI.tooltip);

Tooltips can also be used to implement an OnMouseOver / OnMouseOut messaging system:

Tooltip也能用来实现 OnMouseOver / OnMouseOut 消息系统。

var lastTooltip : String = " ";

function OnGUI () {
	GUILayout.Button (GUIContent ("Play Game", "Button1"));
	GUILayout.Button (GUIContent ("Quit", "Button2"));

	if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && GUI.tooltip != lastTooltip) {
		if (lastTooltip != "")
			SendMessage (lastTooltip + "OnMouseOut", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
		if (GUI.tooltip != "")
			SendMessage (GUI.tooltip + "OnMouseOver", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
		lastTooltip = GUI.tooltip;

function Button1OnMouseOver () {
	Debug.Log("Play game got focus");

function Button2OnMouseOut () {
	Debug.Log("Quit lost focus");
最后修改:2011年6月15日 Wednesday 10:44

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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