GUI.DragWindow 拖动窗口

static function DragWindow (position : Rect) : void



Rect - the rectangle the window is at.

返回 Rect类型,窗口所在的矩形。


Make a window draggable.


Insert a call to this function inside your window code to make a window draggable.


var windowRect : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50);

function OnGUI () {
	windowRect = GUI.Window (0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, "My Window");

function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) {
	GUI.DragWindow (Rect (0,0, 10000, 20));	

• static function DragWindow () : void


If you want to have the entire window background to act as a drag area, use the version of DragWindow that takes no parameters and put it at the end of the window function.


This will mean that any other controls will get precedence and the dragging will only be activated if nothing else has mouse focus.


另见: DragWindow, BringWindowToFront, BringWindowToBack

var windowRect : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50);

function OnGUI () {
	windowRect = GUI.Window (0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, "My Window");

// 制作窗口内容
function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) {
	GUI.Button (Rect (10,20,100,20), "Can't drag me");
	// Insert a huge dragging area at the end.
	// This gets clipped to the window (like all other controls) so you can never drag the window from outside it.
	GUI.DragWindow ();
最后修改:2011年1月14日 Friday 20:51

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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