Graphics.DrawMeshNow 立即绘制网格

static function DrawMeshNow (mesh : Mesh, position : Vector3, rotation : Quaternion) : void
static function DrawMeshNow (mesh : Mesh, position : Vector3, rotation : Quaternion, materialIndex : int) : void
static function DrawMeshNow (mesh : Mesh, matrix : Matrix4x4) : void
static function DrawMeshNow (mesh : Mesh, matrix : Matrix4x4, materialIndex : int) : void



Draw a mesh immediately.


This function will draw a given mesh immediately. Currently set shader and material (see Material.SetPass) will be used. The mesh will be just drawn once, it won't be per-pixel lit and will not cast or receive realtime shadows. If you want full integration with lighting and shadowing, use Graphics.DrawMesh instead.


// Attach this script to a camera.
// Draws a mesh inmediately.

var aMesh : Mesh;
var mat : Material;

function OnPostRender() {
	// SetPass to 0 if the material doesnt have a texture.
	Graphics.DrawMeshNow(aMesh,, Quaternion.identity);
最后修改:2011年2月27日 Sunday 19:37

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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