Graphics.BlitMultiTap 多重位块传送

static function BlitMultiTap (source : Texture, dest : RenderTexture, mat : Material, params offsets : Vector2[]) : void



Copies source texture into destination, for multi-tap shader.


This is mostly used for implementing some image effects. For example, Gaussian or iterative Cone blurring samples source texture at multiple different locations.


BlitMultiTap sets dest to be active render texture, sets source as _MainTex property on the material, and draws a full-screen quad. Each vertex of the quad has multiple texture coordinates set up, offset by offsets pixels.


参见: Graphics.BlitMultiTap

// Copies aTexture to rTex and displays it in all cameras.

var aTexture : Texture;
var rTex : RenderTexture;

function Start() {
	if(!aTexture || !rTex)
		Debug.LogError("A texture or a render texture are missing, assign them.");

function Update () {
	Graphics.Blit (aTexture, rTex);
最后修改:2011年2月27日 Sunday 19:31

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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