- actualRenderingPath
- allCameras
- aspect
- backgroundColor
- cameraToWorldMatrix
- clearFlags
- CopyFrom
- cullingMask
- current
- depthTextureMode
- depth
- farClipPlane
- fieldOfView
- layerCullDistances
- main
- nearClipPlane
- OnPostRender
- OnPreCull
- OnPreRender
- OnRenderImage
- OnRenderObject
- OnWillRenderObject
- orthographicSize
- orthographic
- pixelHeight
- pixelRect
- pixelWidth
- projectionMatrix
- rect
- renderingPath
- RenderToCubemap
- RenderWithShader
- Render
- ResetAspect
- ResetProjectionMatrix
- ResetReplacementShader
- ResetWorldToCameraMatrix
- ScreenPointToRay
- ScreenToViewportPoint
- ScreenToWorldPoint
- SetReplacementShader
- targetTexture
- velocity
- ViewportPointToRay
- ViewportToScreenPoint
- ViewportToWorldPoint
- worldToCameraMatrix
- WorldToScreenPoint
- WorldToViewportPoint
Camera.WorldToScreenPoint 世界转屏幕位置
function WorldToScreenPoint (position : Vector3) : Vector3
Transforms position from world space into screen space.
Screenspace is defined in pixels. The bottom-left of the screen is (0,0); the right-top is (pixelWidth,pixelHeight). The z position is in world units from the camera.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform target;
void Update() {
Vector3 screenPos = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(target.position);
print("target is " + screenPos.x + " pixels from the left");
最后修改:2011年3月7日 Monday 10:21