- aoAmount
- aoContrast
- aoMaxDistance
- bounceBoost
- bounceIntensity
- bounces
- finalGatherContrastThreshold
- finalGatherGradientThreshold
- finalGatherInterpolationPoints
- finalGatherRays
- lastUsedResolution
- lockAtlas
- maxAtlasHeight
- maxAtlasWidth
- quality
- resolution
- skyLightColor
- skyLightIntensity
- textureCompression
LightmapEditorSettings.aoAmount 阻光贴图数
static var aoAmount : float
Controls how much Ambient Occlusion to blend into the Final Gather solution.
控制多少阻光贴图(Ambient Occlusion)混合到Final Gather。
Can be used to get more contrast in your lighting. Set to a value greater than 0 for AO to be calculated.
最后修改:2011年6月28日 Tuesday 19:39