- applicationContentsPath
- applicationPath
- Beep
- CallbackFunction
- currentScene
- ExecuteMenuItem
- Exit
- HierarchyWindowItemCallback
- hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI
- isCompiling
- isPaused
- isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode
- isPlaying
- LockReloadAssemblies
- modifierKeysChanged
- NewScene
- OpenProject
- OpenSceneAdditive
- OpenScene
- playmodeStateChanged
- ProjectWindowItemCallback
- projectWindowItemOnGUI
- RepaintHierarchyWindow
- RepaintProjectWindow
- SaveAssets
- SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo
- SaveScene
- Step
- timeSinceStartup
- UnlockReloadAssemblies
- update
EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo 用户是否希望保存当前场景
static function SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo () : bool
Ask the user if he wants to save the open scene.
You might want to call this before opening another scene or creating a new scene. A return value of true indicates that you may continue. A return value of false indicates that the user cancelled the operation and you should not Open another Scene.
最后修改:2011年6月25日 Saturday 20:02