EditorApplication.applicationPath 应用程序路径

static var applicationPath : string


Returns the path to the Unity editor application (Read Only)



// This example lets you load Editor scripts
// automatically to your current working project
// Just place your editor scripts next to where the Unity binary
// resides.

@MenuItem("Example/Load Editor Scripts")
static function LoadEditorScripts() {
	// Get the editor folder that resides next to the Unity exec
	var appPath : String[] = EditorApplication.applicationPath.Split(char.Parse("/"));
	appPath[appPath.Length -1] = "Editor";
	var editorFolder : String = String.Join("/",appPath);
	Debug.Log("Loading editor scripts at: " + editorFolder);
最后修改:2011年6月25日 Saturday 19:01

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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