- ClearProgressBar
- CloneComponent
- CollectDeepHierarchy
- CollectDependencies
- CompressTexture
- CopySerialized
- CreateEmptyPrefab
- CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags
- DisplayCancelableProgressBar
- DisplayDialogComplex
- DisplayDialog
- DisplayPopupMenu
- DisplayProgressBar
- ExtractOggFile
- FindPrefabRoot
- FocusProjectWindow
- FormatBytes
- GetObjectEnabled
- GetPrefabParent
- GetPrefabType
- InstanceIDToObject
- InstantiatePrefab
- IsPersistent
- OpenFilePanel
- OpenFolderPanel
- ReconnectToLastPrefab
- ReplacePrefab
- ResetGameObjectToPrefabState
- ResetToPrefabState
- SaveFilePanelInProject
- SaveFilePanel
- SaveFolderPanel
- SetDirty
- SetObjectEnabled
- SetSelectedWireframeHidden
- UnloadUnusedAssetsIgnoreM...
- UnloadUnusedAssets
EditorUtility.ResetGameObjectToPrefabState 重设游戏物体到预置状态
static function ResetGameObjectToPrefabState (go : GameObject) : bool
Resets the properties of game object and all attached components to the parent prefab state
All overrides will be cleared. However the transform.position and rotation of a root game object in a prefab instance will never be cleared.
所有覆盖将被清除。然而,预设实例根游戏物体的transform.position 和 rotation,将不会被清除。
最后修改:2011年7月16日 Saturday 10:55