- ClearProgressBar
- CloneComponent
- CollectDeepHierarchy
- CollectDependencies
- CompressTexture
- CopySerialized
- CreateEmptyPrefab
- CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags
- DisplayCancelableProgressBar
- DisplayDialogComplex
- DisplayDialog
- DisplayPopupMenu
- DisplayProgressBar
- ExtractOggFile
- FindPrefabRoot
- FocusProjectWindow
- FormatBytes
- GetObjectEnabled
- GetPrefabParent
- GetPrefabType
- InstanceIDToObject
- InstantiatePrefab
- IsPersistent
- OpenFilePanel
- OpenFolderPanel
- ReconnectToLastPrefab
- ReplacePrefab
- ResetGameObjectToPrefabState
- ResetToPrefabState
- SaveFilePanelInProject
- SaveFilePanel
- SaveFolderPanel
- SetDirty
- SetObjectEnabled
- SetSelectedWireframeHidden
- UnloadUnusedAssetsIgnoreM...
- UnloadUnusedAssets
EditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssets 卸载不使用的资源
static function UnloadUnusedAssets () : void
Unloads assets that are not used.
An asset is deemed to be unused if it isn't reached after walking the whole game object hierarchy, including script components. Static variables are also examined.
参见: Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets.
最后修改:2011年7月15日 Friday 19:04