Network.InitializeSecurity 初始化安全层

static function InitializeSecurity () : void


Initializes security layer.


You need to call this function on the server before calling Network.InitializeServer. Don't call this function on the client.


Once your online game reaches a certain popularity people will try to cheat. You will need to account for this both at the game layer and at the network layer. Unity handles the network layer by providing secure connections if you wish to use them.Uses AES encryption. Prevents unauthorized reads and blocks replay attacks Adds CRCs so that data tampering can be detected. Uses randomized, encrypted SYNCookies to prevent unauthorized logins. Uses RSA encryption to protect the AES key.

一旦你的在线游戏达到一定知名度时就有人试图作弊。你将需要考虑这个在游戏层和网络层。如果你希望使用它们,Unity可以通过提供安全连接处理网络层。 使用AES加密,阻止未授权读取并阻止重复攻击,添加CRC来检测数据篡改,使用随机的、加密的SYNCookies来组织未授权登录,使用RSA加密保护这个AES密钥。

Most games will want to use secure connections. However, they add up to 15 bytes per packet and take time to compute so you may wish to limit usage to deployed games only.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	void Start() {
		Network.InitializeServer(32, 25000);
function Start () {
	Network.InitializeServer(32, 25000);
最后修改:2011年4月2日 Saturday 16:52

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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