- AllocateViewID
- CloseConnection
- connections
- connectionTesterIP
- connectionTesterPort
- Connect
- DestroyPlayerObjects
- Destroy
- Disconnect
- GetAveragePing
- GetLastPing
- HavePublicAddress
- incomingPassword
- InitializeSecurity
- InitializeServer
- Instantiate
- isClient
- isMessageQueueRunning
- isServer
- logLevel
- maxConnections
- minimumAllocatableViewIDs
- natFacilitatorIP
- natFacilitatorPort
- OnConnectedToServer
- OnDisconnectedFromServer
- OnFailedToConnectToM...
- OnFailedToConnect
- OnNetworkInstantiate
- OnPlayerConnected
- OnPlayerDisconnected
- OnSerializeNetworkView
- OnServerInitialized
- peerType
- player
- proxyIP
- proxyPassword
- proxyPort
- RemoveRPCsInGroup
- RemoveRPCs
- sendRate
- SetLevelPrefix
- SetReceivingEnabled
- SetSendingEnabled
- TestConnectionNAT
- TestConnection
- time
- useProxy
Network.GetAveragePing 获取平均Ping时间
static function GetAveragePing (player : NetworkPlayer) : int
The last average ping time to the given player in milliseconds.
If the player can't be found -1 will be returned. Pings are automatically sent out every couple of seconds.
function OnGUI() {
GUILayout.Label("Player ping values");
for (var i : int = 0; i < Network.connections.Length; i++) {
GUILayout.Label("Player " +
Network.connections[i] + " - " +
Network.GetAveragePing(Network.connections[i]) + " ms");
最后修改:2011年4月4日 Monday 16:53