Network.InitializeServer 初始化服务器

static function InitializeServer (connections : int, listenPort : int, useNat : bool) : NetworkConnectionError


Initialize the server.


connections is the number of allowed incoming connections / number of players allowed in the game. listenPort is the port number we want to listen to. useNat sets the NAT punchthrough functionality. If you want this server to be able to accept connections using NAT punchthrough, using the facilitator, set this to true.


function LaunchServer () {
	Network.incomingPassword = "HolyMoly";
	var useNat = !Network.HavePublicAddress();
	Network.InitializeServer(32, 25000, useNat);
最后修改:2011年4月2日 Saturday 16:38

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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