Network.SetSendingEnabled 设置发送启用

static function SetSendingEnabled (group : int, enabled : bool) : void


Enables or disables transmission of messages and RPC calls on a specific network group number.


This can be set when you know you are not sending anything useful to other clients, such as before you have loaded you level completely. The Network level loading page has an example of how to use this function.

当你知道你不发送任何有用的信息到其他客户端时,可以设置这个。例如在你完全加载在关卡之前。参见手册Network level loading页有怎样使用这个函数的例子。

• static function SetSendingEnabled (player : NetworkPlayer, group : int, enabled : bool) : void


Enable or disable transmission of messages and RPC calls based on target network player as well as the network group.


When used on a client, the only NetworkPlayer possible is the server.

最后修改:2011年4月4日 Monday 17:09

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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