Network.Connect 连接

static function Connect (IP : string, remotePort : int, password : string = "") : NetworkConnectionError


Connect to the specified host (ip or domain name) and server port.


The parameters are the IP address of the host. Either a dotted IP address or a domain name. remotePort, which specifies the port on the remote machine to connect to. password, which is an optional password for the server. The password has to match the Network.incomingPassword set on the server.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	void ConnectToServer() {
		Network.Connect("", 25000);
function ConnectToServer () {
	Network.Connect("", 25000);

• static function Connect (IPs : string[], remotePort : int, password : string = "") : NetworkConnectionError


This function is exactly like Network.Connect but can accept an array of IP addresses.


It can be used when the host information from a master server returns multiple internal IP addresses, then the IP data structure can be passed directly into this connect function. It actually connects to the first IP which responds to a ping (i.e. is connectable).


• static function Connect (GUID : string, password : string = "") : NetworkConnectionError


Connect to a server GUID. NAT punchthrough can only be performed this way.


The host GUID value is exposed locally through the NetworkPlayer structure. The master server also provides this in the HostData structure.


• static function Connect (hostData : HostData, password : string = "") : NetworkConnectionError


Connect to the host represented by a HostData structure returned by the Master Server.


最后修改:2011年4月2日 Saturday 17:31

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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