EditorGUILayout.IntPopup 整数弹出选择菜单

static function IntPopup (selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : string[], optionValues : int[], params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : string[], optionValues : int[], style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : GUIContent[], optionValues : int[], params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : GUIContent[], optionValues : int[], style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (label : string, selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : string[], optionValues : int[], params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (label : string, selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : string[], optionValues : int[], style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (property : SerializedProperty, displayedOptions : GUIContent[], optionValues : int[], label : GUIContent, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : void
static function IntPopup (property : SerializedProperty, displayedOptions : GUIContent[], optionValues : int[], label : GUIContent, style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : void
static function IntPopup (label : GUIContent, selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : GUIContent[], optionValues : int[], params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int
static function IntPopup (label : GUIContent, selectedValue : int, displayedOptions : GUIContent[], optionValues : int[], style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int



int - The value of the option that has been selected by the user.



Make an integer popup selection field.


Takes the currently selected integer as a parameter and returns the integer selected by the user.


EditorGUILayout.IntPopup 整数弹出选择菜单

Rescales the current selected GameObject.

// Simple Editor Script that lets you rescale the current selected GameObject.
class EditorGUILayoutIntPopup extends EditorWindow {
	var selectedSize : int = 1;
	var names : String[] = ["Normal", "Double", "Quadruple"];
	var sizes : int[] = [1,2,4];

	@MenuItem("Examples/Editor GUILayout Int Popup usage")
	static function Init() {
		var window = GetWindow(EditorGUILayoutIntPopup);
	function OnGUI() {
		selectedSize = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Resize Scale: ", selectedSize, names, sizes);
	function ReScale() {
			Selection.activeTransform.localScale =
				Vector3(selectedSize, selectedSize, selectedSize);
		else Debug.LogError("No Object selected, please select an object to scale.");
最后修改:2011年7月14日 Thursday 10:59

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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