- Awake
- CancelInvoke
- FixedUpdate
- InvokeRepeating
- Invoke
- IsInvoking
- LateUpdate
- OnApplicationFocus
- OnApplicationPause
- OnApplicationQuit
- OnBecameInvisible
- OnBecameVisible
- OnCollisionEnter
- OnCollisionExit
- OnCollisionStay
- OnConnectedToServer
- OnControllerColliderHit
- OnDestroy
- OnDisable
- OnDisconnectedFromServer
- OnDrawGizmosSelected
- OnDrawGizmos
- OnEnable
- OnFailedToConnectToM...
- OnFailedToConnect
- OnJointBreak
- OnLevelWasLoaded
- OnMasterServerEvent
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseDrag
- OnMouseEnter
- OnMouseExit
- OnMouseOver
- OnMouseUpAsButton
- OnMouseUp
- OnNetworkInstantiate
- OnParticleCollision
- OnPlayerConnected
- OnPlayerDisconnected
- OnPostRender
- OnPreCull
- OnPreRender
- OnRenderImage
- OnRenderObject
- OnSerializeNetworkView
- OnServerInitialized
- OnTriggerEnter
- OnTriggerExit
- OnTriggerStay
- OnWillRenderObject
- Reset
- StartCoroutine
- Start
- StopAllCoroutines
- StopCoroutine
- Update
- useGUILayout
MonoBehaviour.IsInvoking 是否调用
function IsInvoking (methodName : string) : bool
Is any invoke on methodName pending?
// Instantiates a project after 2 seconds when Space key was pressed
// and it will only call the function after the function has ended its execution
// 按下空格键2秒后实例化一个炮弹,在该函数执行完毕之前仅调用此函数
var projectile : Rigidbody;
function Update() {
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && !IsInvoking("LaunchProjectile"))
Invoke("LaunchProjectile", 2);
function LaunchProjectile () {
var instance : Rigidbody = Instantiate(projectile);
instance.velocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * 5;
• function IsInvoking () : bool
Is any invoke pending on this MonoBehaviour?
最后修改:2011年1月2日 Sunday 1:44