MonoBehaviour.OnPreCull 当消隐之前

function OnPreCull () : void


OnPreCull is called before a camera culls the scene.


Culling determines which objects are visible to the camera. OnPreCull is called just before this process.


This function is called only if the script is attached to the camera and is enabled.


If you want to change camera's viewing parameters (e.g. fieldOfView or just transform), this is the place to do it. Visibility of scene objects will be determined based on camera's parameters after OnPreCull.


// Attach this to a camera.
// Inverts the vie of the camera so everything rendered by it, is flipped
// This will only work on  Unity - PRO
// 把这个赋给相机.所有被它渲染的物体都被翻转.他只在pro版的Unity中有效.
function OnPreCull () {
	camera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix ();
	camera.ResetProjectionMatrix ();
	amera.projectionMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale ( Vector3 (1, -1, 1));
// Set it to true so we can watch the flipped Objects
// 设置它为true以便我们可以看到翻转的物体
function OnPreRender () {
	GL.SetRevertBackfacing (true);

// Set it to false again because we don't want to affect all other cameras.
// 再设置它为false,因为我们不想作用于每个相机.
function OnPostRender () {
	GL.SetRevertBackfacing (false);
最后修改:2011年1月2日 Sunday 17:12

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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