- Awake
- CancelInvoke
- FixedUpdate
- InvokeRepeating
- Invoke
- IsInvoking
- LateUpdate
- OnApplicationFocus
- OnApplicationPause
- OnApplicationQuit
- OnBecameInvisible
- OnBecameVisible
- OnCollisionEnter
- OnCollisionExit
- OnCollisionStay
- OnConnectedToServer
- OnControllerColliderHit
- OnDestroy
- OnDisable
- OnDisconnectedFromServer
- OnDrawGizmosSelected
- OnDrawGizmos
- OnEnable
- OnFailedToConnectToM...
- OnFailedToConnect
- OnJointBreak
- OnLevelWasLoaded
- OnMasterServerEvent
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseDrag
- OnMouseEnter
- OnMouseExit
- OnMouseOver
- OnMouseUpAsButton
- OnMouseUp
- OnNetworkInstantiate
- OnParticleCollision
- OnPlayerConnected
- OnPlayerDisconnected
- OnPostRender
- OnPreCull
- OnPreRender
- OnRenderImage
- OnRenderObject
- OnSerializeNetworkView
- OnServerInitialized
- OnTriggerEnter
- OnTriggerExit
- OnTriggerStay
- OnWillRenderObject
- Reset
- StartCoroutine
- Start
- StopAllCoroutines
- StopCoroutine
- Update
- useGUILayout
MonoBehaviour.OnNetworkInstantiate 当网络实例
function OnNetworkInstantiate (info : NetworkMessageInfo) : void
Called on objects which have been network instantiated with Network.Instantiate
This is useful for disabling or enabling components for objects which have been instantiated and their behavior depends on if they are locally or remotely owned.
Note: The networkView attribute inside the NetworkMessageInfo is not used inside OnNetworkInstantiate
注意: 在NetworkMessageInfo里的networkView属性不能在OnNetworkInstantiate里使用。
function OnNetworkInstantiate (info : NetworkMessageInfo ) {
Debug.Log ("New object instantiated by " + info.sender);
最后修改:2011年1月2日 Sunday 18:55