- Awake
- CancelInvoke
- FixedUpdate
- InvokeRepeating
- Invoke
- IsInvoking
- LateUpdate
- OnApplicationFocus
- OnApplicationPause
- OnApplicationQuit
- OnBecameInvisible
- OnBecameVisible
- OnCollisionEnter
- OnCollisionExit
- OnCollisionStay
- OnConnectedToServer
- OnControllerColliderHit
- OnDestroy
- OnDisable
- OnDisconnectedFromServer
- OnDrawGizmosSelected
- OnDrawGizmos
- OnEnable
- OnFailedToConnectToM...
- OnFailedToConnect
- OnJointBreak
- OnLevelWasLoaded
- OnMasterServerEvent
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseDrag
- OnMouseEnter
- OnMouseExit
- OnMouseOver
- OnMouseUpAsButton
- OnMouseUp
- OnNetworkInstantiate
- OnParticleCollision
- OnPlayerConnected
- OnPlayerDisconnected
- OnPostRender
- OnPreCull
- OnPreRender
- OnRenderImage
- OnRenderObject
- OnSerializeNetworkView
- OnServerInitialized
- OnTriggerEnter
- OnTriggerExit
- OnTriggerStay
- OnWillRenderObject
- Reset
- StartCoroutine
- Start
- StopAllCoroutines
- StopCoroutine
- Update
- useGUILayout
MonoBehaviour.OnControllerColliderHit 当控制碰撞器碰撞
function OnControllerColliderHit (hit : ControllerColliderHit) : void
OnControllerColliderHit is called when the controller hits a collider while performing a Move.
This can be used to push objects when they collide with the character.
// this script pushes all rigidbodies that the character touches
// 这个脚本用来使角色推开碰到的所有刚体
var pushPower : float = 2.0;
function OnControllerColliderHit (hit : ControllerColliderHit ) {
var body : Rigidbody = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;
// no rigidbody
// 没有刚体
if (body == null || body.isKinematic)
// We dont want to push objects below us
// 不推开我们身后的物体
if (hit.moveDirection.y < -0.3)
// Calculate push direction from move direction,
// 根据移动方向计算推的方向
// we only push objects to the sides never up and down
// 只把物体推向一旁
var pushDir : Vector3 = Vector3 (hit.moveDirection.x, 0, hit.moveDirection.z);
// If you know how fast your character is trying to move,
// then you can also multiply the push velocity by that.
// 如果知道角色移动的速度,你可以用它乘以推动速度
// Apply the push
body.velocity = pushDir * pushPower;
最后修改:2011年1月2日 Sunday 16:13