- actionKey
- BoundsField
- ColorField
- CurveField
- DrawPreviewTexture
- DrawTextureAlpha
- DropShadowLabel
- EnumPopup
- FloatField
- Foldout
- indentLevel
- InspectorTitlebar
- IntField
- IntPopup
- IntSlider
- LabelField
- LayerField
- MinMaxSlider
- ObjectField
- PasswordField
- Popup
- PrefixLabel
- ProgressBar
- PropertyField
- RectField
- SelectableLabel
- Slider
- TagField
- TextArea
- TextField
- Toggle
- Vector2Field
- Vector3Field
- Vector4Field
EditorGUI.TextArea 文本区域
static function TextArea (position : Rect, text : string, style : GUIStyle = EditorStyles.textField) : string
- positionRectangle on the screen to use for the text field.
屏幕上用于文本区域的矩形范围 - textThe text to edit. // 编辑文本
styleOptional GUIStyle. // 可选GUIStyle样式
string - The text entered by the user.
返回字符串 - 用户输入的文本。
Make a text area.
This works just like GUI.TextArea, but correctly responds to select all, copy, paste etc. in the editor.
Text Area in an Editor Window.
// Create a window where you can have notes
// This doesnt preserve the notes between sessions.
// check EditorPrefs Get/SetString to save the notes.
//检查EditorPrefs Get/SetString 来保存笔记
class EditorGUITextArea extends EditorWindow {
var note : String = "Notes:\n->";
static function Init() {
var window = GetWindow(EditorGUITextArea);
function OnGUI() {
note = EditorGUI.TextArea(Rect(3,3,position.width - 6, position.height - 35), note);
if(GUI.Button(Rect(0, position.height - 30, position.width, 25), "Close"))
最后修改:2011年6月22日 Wednesday 13:09