EditorGUI.PrefixLabel 前缀标签

static function PrefixLabel (totalPosition : Rect, id : int, label : GUIContent) : Rect



Rect - Rectangle on the screen to use just for the control itself.

返回Rect - 在屏幕上的的矩形范围,只用于控件自身。


Make a label in front of some control.


EditorGUI.PrefixLabel 前缀标签

Prefix Label in an Editor Window.

// Inflates a mesh
// Usage: Select a mesh and drag it to the object field.
// Press calculate and after finishing just press play and see your mesh growing.
// Note: To control the ratio of inflation just change the increaseRatio
// var in the "InflateMesh.js" sript
//注意:控制变化的膨胀率只是改变 increaseRatio
class InflateMeshEditor extends EditorWindow {

	var object : MeshFilter;

	@MenuItem("Examples/Inflate Mesh")
	static function Init() {
	var window = GetWindow(InflateMeshEditor);

	function OnGUI() {
	EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(Rect(3,3,position.width-6, 15),
	GUIContent("Select a mesh"));
	object = EditorGUI.ObjectField(Rect(3,20,position.width-6,20),

	GUI.enabled = object? true : false;

	function Calculate() {
		var finalNormals = new Vector3[0];
		var mesh = object.sharedMesh;
		var vertices = mesh.vertices;
		var normals = mesh.normals;

		// Find identical vertices 找到相同的顶点
		// this will hold an ID for each vertex, vertices at
		// the same position will share the same ID!
		var vertexIDs = new int[vertices.length];
		var counter : int = 0;

		for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
			for (var j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++) {
				if(vertexIDs[i] == 0) {
					vertexIDs[i] = counter;
				if(i != j)
					if(vertices[i] == vertices[j] && vertices[i] != 0)
						vertexIDs[j] = vertexIDs[i];

		finalNormals = normals;
		calculated = 0.5;
		// Calcualte average normals 计算平均法线
		// counter is the highest vertexID, now go through all the groups and collect normal data
		for(var k = 1; k <= counter; k++) {
			var curAvgNormal : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
			for(var l = 0; l < vertexIDs.length; l++)
				if(vertexIDs[l] == k) {
					// Add up all the normals of the vertices with identical positions
					curAvgNormal += normals[l];
			curAvgNormal.Normalize(); //Normalize the result 规范化结果
			for(var m = 0; m < vertexIDs.length; m++)
				if(vertexIDs[m] == k)
					finalNormals[m] = curAvgNormal;
		object.gameObject.AddComponent("InflateMesh").fNormals = finalNormals;
		Debug.Log("Done Adding Component, press play and see your mesh being inflated!");

And the script attached to the editor script:


// InflateMesh.js
private var mesh : Mesh;
private var vertices = new Vector3[0];
private var normals = new Vector3[0];
var fNormals = new Vector3[0];
var increaseRatio = 0.005;
function Start () {
	mesh = GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh;
	vertices = mesh.vertices;
	normals = mesh.normals;

function Update () {
	for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
		vertices[i] += fNormals[i] * Time.deltaTime * increaseRatio;
	mesh.vertices = vertices;
最后修改:2011年6月23日 Thursday 19:15

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

英文部分版权属©Unity公司所有,中文部分© Unity圣典 版权所有,未经许可,严禁转载 。