Version: 5.6 (switch to 2017.1b)
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public static function DropdownButton(position: Rect, content: GUIContent, focusType: FocusType): bool;
public static bool DropdownButton(Rect position, GUIContent content, FocusType focusType);
public static function DropdownButton(position: Rect, content: GUIContent, focusType: FocusType, style: GUIStyle): bool;
public static bool DropdownButton(Rect position, GUIContent content, FocusType focusType, GUIStyle style);


position Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.
content Text, image and tooltip for this button.
focusType Whether the button should be selectable by keyboard or not.
style Optional style to use.


bool true when the user clicks the button.


Make a button that reacts to mouse down, for displaying your own dropdown content.

This control returns true on mouse down when clicked, unlike regular buttons that return true on mouse up.

This can be used for buttons that should open a GenericMenu or your own custom EditorWindow in dropdown form.

When used with a GenericMenu, use GenericMenu.Dropdown and pass the same rect to the method as was used for the button position.

When used with a custom EditorWindow, use EditorWindow.ShowAsDropdown and pass the same rect to the method as was used for the button position.