Version: 5.6 (switch to 2017.1b)
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public function ConfigureMaskFromClip(ref mask: AvatarMask): void;
public void ConfigureMaskFromClip(ref AvatarMask mask);


mask AvatarMask to which the masking values will be saved.


Copy the current masking settings from the clip to an AvatarMask.

When writing an AssetPostprocessor, use this method to copy the AvatarMask from your clip configuration so that you can modify it.

Note: you will need to use ModelImporterClipAnimation.ConfigureClipFromMask to apply the AvatarMask back on the ModelImporterClipAnimation

See also: ModelImporterClipAnimation.ConfigureClipFromMask.

no example available in JavaScript
public class CopyAvatarMask : AssetPostprocessor
    void OnPreprocessAnimation()
        var modelImporter = assetImporter as ModelImporter;

//Create a new AvatarMask to edit the mask var mask = new AvatarMask(); var clips = modelImporter.clipAnimations;

//Acquire the mask from the clip clips[0].ConfigureMaskFromClip(ref mask);

//Filter out the first non-root (0) bone mask.SetTransformActive(1, false);

//Apply the mask back to the clip clips[0].ConfigureClipFromMask(mask);

//Apply the clips back to the ModelImporter modelImporter.clipAnimations = clips;

//Destroy the AvatarMask since we're not using it anymore DestroyImmediate(mask); } }