Version: 5.6 (switch to 2017.1b)
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public function DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh: Mesh, submeshIndex: int, material: Material, shaderPass: int, bufferWithArgs: ComputeBuffer, argsOffset: int = 0, properties: MaterialPropertyBlock = null): void;
public void DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(Mesh mesh, int submeshIndex, Material material, int shaderPass, ComputeBuffer bufferWithArgs, int argsOffset = 0, MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null);


mesh The Mesh to draw.
submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
material Material to use.
shaderPass Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes.
properties Additional material properties to apply onto material just before this mesh will be drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
bufferWithArgs The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw.
argsOffset The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start.


Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command.