Version: 5.6 (switch to 2017.1b)
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public static function GetStreamProgressForLevel(levelIndex: int): float;
public static float GetStreamProgressForLevel(int levelIndex);


How far has the download progressed? [0...1].

In the webplayer this returns the progress of this level.

See Also: CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded function.

#pragma strict
public class ExampleScript extends MonoBehaviour {
	public var percentageLoaded: float = 0;
	public var progressText: GUIText;
	// When finished streaming, print "Level 1 has been fully streamed!"
	function Start() {
		progressText = GetComponent.<GUIText>();
	function Update() {
		if (Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel(1) == 1) {
			progressText.text = "Level at index 1 has been fully streamed!";
		else {
			percentageLoaded = Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel(1) * 100;
			progressText.text = percentageLoaded.ToString();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { public float percentageLoaded = 0; public GUIText progressText;

// Print on a guiText how much has been streamed level at index 1 // When finished streaming, print "Level 1 has been fully streamed!" void Start() { progressText = GetComponent<GUIText>(); }

void Update() { if (Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel(1) == 1) { progressText.text = "Level at index 1 has been fully streamed!"; } else { percentageLoaded = Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel(1) * 100; progressText.text = percentageLoaded.ToString(); } } }

Webplayer support is not part of 5.4.0 and later.

public static function GetStreamProgressForLevel(levelName: string): float;
public static float GetStreamProgressForLevel(string levelName);


How far has the download progressed? [0...1].

In the webplayer this returns the progress of this level.

See Also: CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded function.

Webplayer support is not part of 5.4.0 and later.