Version: 5.6 (switch to 2017.1b)
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public var oggVorbis: Object;
public Object oggVorbis;


Load an Ogg Vorbis file into the audio clip.

If the stream has not been downloaded completely, null will be returned. Use isDone or yield to see if the data is available.

See Also: AudioClip, AudioSource.

var path =

function Start () { // Start downloading var download = new WWW (path); // Wait for download to finish yield download; // Create ogg vorbis file var clip : AudioClip = download.oggVorbis; // Play it if (clip != null) { audio.clip = clip; audio.Play(); } else { // Handle error Debug.Log("Ogg vorbis download failed. (Incorrect link?)"); } }

@script RequireComponent (AudioSource)
// A generic stream music player.
// Downloads music successively, then starts playing them randomly.
var downloadPath : String[] = [
private var downloadedClips : AudioClip[];
private var playedSongs = new Array ();

function Start () { downloadedClips = new AudioClip[downloadPath.Length];

DownloadAll ();

PlaySongs (); }

function DownloadAll () { for (var i = 0;i < downloadPath.length; i++) { var path = downloadPath[i]; var download = new WWW (path); yield download; downloadedClips[i] = download.oggVorbis;

if (downloadedClips[i] == null) Debug.Log("Failed audio download " + path); } }

function PickRandomSong () : AudioClip { var possibleSongs = Array ();

// Build a list of all songs that completed their download for (var i = 0; i < downloadedClips.length; i++) { if (downloadedClips[i] != null) possibleSongs.Add(i); }

// No songs downloaded yet if (possibleSongs.length == 0) return null;

// We played all songs, pick from any song now if (possibleSongs.length == playedSongs.length) playedSongs.Clear();

// Remove songs that were played already from the list of songs for (i = 0; i < playedSongs.length; i++) possibleSongs.Remove (playedSongs[i]);

// Pick a random song if (possibleSongs.length != 0) { var index : int= possibleSongs[Random.Range(0, possibleSongs.length)]; playedSongs.Add(index); return downloadedClips[index]; } else return null; }

function PlaySongs () { while (true) { var clip : AudioClip = PickRandomSong (); if (clip != null) { audio.clip = clip; audio.Play(); yield WaitForSeconds(clip.length); } yield; } }

@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)